The Woodpecker app allows language learners to immerse in content designed for native speakers. Enjoy content at or above your level and learn from that content. Improve your vocab by tapping on text in the subtitles of a video or in an article to see the definition. Read this FAQ…
Three of the major challenges facing online teachers are time management, student retention and marketing. Through the Woodpecker app, we offer free help in all three areas. The Woodpecker app immerses language learners in content designed for native speakers, by enabling them to immediately see the definition in their own…
Our bilingual dictionaries work inside our web browser. Browse the internet and get the definition of any word at the touch of your fingers! Read this in 简体中文, 繁體中文, Deutsch, Français, 日本語, Português, Español, Tiếng Việt or Pусский. How do I use the web browser? Free News Sites for English Learners…
Blow your mind and improve your English So you’re looking for something a little different from just another sitcom or drama. It's time to move onto something that will challenge your English and make you think. Don't just learn English, learn something else, too. Gain a new perspective and be…
What shouldn’t I watch to improve my English? As language learners we often ask: what should I watch to improve? New articles appear every day telling you what you have to watch to learn English. A quick Google search for that same topic reveals about 618 million results. That’s…
You’ve Watched Friends, now what? When it comes to English language television there is so much more than just Friends! It’s true. Friends offers easy access to learners at any level. The series has repetitive jokes and “physical humor”, or jokes you’ll see if you’re watching even without understanding what’s…
Click to Translate helps advanced language learners immerse in content designed for native speakers. Our bilingual dictionary service has been designed to let the reader quickly see the definition in their own language, of words and phrases that they don't know, so that they can carry on reading with only…
These links are to resources for language learners. Each of these companies has its own content code available for students to use with the Woodpecker app. TopAdmit Education Consulting The School of Life Taipei Beacon Star Educational Consulting My Room Abroad Blog Break into English - Skype…
Read this blog post in 簡體中文, 繁體中文, Deutsch, Français, 日本語, Português, Español, Tiếng Việt or Pусски. If you've been studying English for any length of time, you know how important it is to expose yourself to native speakers. Unfortunately, many students find it tricky to make English-speaking friends. Sure, television shows…
Read this blog post in 簡體中文, 繁體中文, Deutsch, Français, 日本語, Português, Español, Tiếng Việt or Pусски. Immersion has long been heralded as the magic bullet for learning a foreign language. Of course, the true immersion experience isn't a possibility for many would-be language learners. Spending long months studying in a faraway…